There are many questions in physics and in many other branches of the mathematical sciences which remain un-answered and to which there does not appear to be any realistic prospect of being answered in the foreseeable future. One of the most prominent of these questions is the matter of achieving a unity between gravitation and quantum mechanics. This is a subject which has defied a solution for many years if not for generations. Many predictions of an imminent solution to the question of a so-called “theory of everything” have been made but none have been fulfilled and nor does it seem likely that they ever will be.
This being the case perhaps we should ask the question-“Are we looking in the right places for a solution?”. Indeed one might comment that if we are looking for something and never find it, then either we are looking in the wrong place or possibly that the thing we are looking for does not in fact exist.
My own opinion on this subject is that there is every likelihood of a solution being found, but for that solution to be found it will require some radical new approaches since it does seem that conventional approaches to the problem have consistently failed and there is every likelihood that they will continue to fail in the future.

To read the whole investigation, please download this file.
This is all my own work and I would appreciate it if you ​​did not copy it. Thank you.

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