The Relationship between Quantum Theory, Gravitation and Human Consciousness
The objective herein is an to find a possible relationship between quantum theory, gravitation and the nature of consciousness. This may seem to be a somewhat exotic proposal, nevertheless I believe that such a connection exists and I begin with a further appraisal of the state vector reduction.
In my paper entitled “The Geometry of Space-time” I developed the idea that the universe was expanding under the influence of a negative gravitational field which increased in field strength linearly with distance from the observer’s point of origin. This led to the calculation of the total mass of the universe which in turn led to an ability to write the values of all the physical constants in terms of each other. Secondly, another paper entitled “On the Gravitational effects of an Electromagnetic Wave” described the similarity between the shaping of the geometry of space-time by an electro- magnetic wave and the shaping of space-time by a gravitational field. A further paper written in the year 2000 but not previously published until recently entitled “The Treatment of Space as a Solid Structure” proposed that the universe is itself quantised under the influence of gravitational potential field lines. Hopefully the relevance of all the foregoing will become apparent as the state vector reduction is examined more closely.
I would like to stress that in compiling the following that I have drawn very heavily on the Penrose / Hameroff description of their theory of Orchestrated Objective Reduction and other of Penrose’s works.

To read the whole investigation, please download this file.
This is all my own work and I would appreciate it if you ​​did not copy it. Thank you.

The Relationship between Quantum Theory, Gravitation and Human Consciousness.pdf

Further Notes.pdf​​
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