The Mathematics of Evolutionary Processes
Even the most cursory glance at the broad spectrum of living things both plant and animal cannot help but bring to the attention of the observer the huge variety of species which exist in the world today. Moreover, examination of the fossil record reveals an even greater variety of life forms which existed in the past. Indeed it is true to say that so many life forms have existed in the past and have become extinct that a statistician could say hand on heart, that to a first approximation, all life forms have already become extinct such is the vast number of varieties which have in the past and do now exist. Clearly life forms did not begin with an infinite variety, they began as a few simple structures which evolved over time into many complex structures. Therefore we can generalise by hypothesising that life forms occupied a small volume of space in the past and evolved to occupy a larger volume space in the future. We can then extend our hypothesis further and say that evolutionary processes appear to have filled every possible available niche

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This is all my own work and I would appreciate it if you ​​did not copy it. Thank you.

The Mathematics of Evolutionary Processes.pdf
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