The Meta-Physics of Human Consciousness
My decision to publish this paper represents the logical conclusion to which my previous work has led. Some of that work concerned the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the general structure of the universe, the numerical relationships between the values of the various physical constants and the general geometry of space-time. It is my work on the interface between the quantum world and the classical world combined with the proposition that Gravitational Electro-magnetism is a real physical property of matter and which exerts a real force in the physical world that has led to the further proposition that there is indeed a meta-physical dimension to the structure of the universe. I submit that this meta-physical dimension is a form of Platonic consciousness which is all-pervading throughout the entire universe and I have given this dimension the name of Universal Secular Consciousness (USC). I am of course aware that this concept is neither new or unique to myself. Nevertheless it is the conclusion to which I am inevitably drawn.
Obviously I am aware that in the climate of aggressive secularism which presently holds the intellectual high ground, that the views expressed herein will experience some heavy criticism. However I hold to the view that scientific dogmatism is just as undesirable as religious dogmatism in that neither of these attitudes leaves room for doubt or question and therefore I am prepared to take any of this or criticism of this or my previous works on the chin, so to speak.

To read the whole investigation, please download this file.
This is all my own work and I would appreciate it if you ​​did not copy it. Thank you.

​The Meta-Physics of Human Consciousness.pdf
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