The Quantum of Probability
The zero point energy field.
Probably the most vexing aspect of quantum theory and the aspect which remains unsolved and unexplained is the fact that its postulates appear to contradict every day experience and to defy “common sense”, the most obvious example of this being so-called action at a distance and the fact that an observation made at one point in the universe seems instantly to affect the outcome of an event light years away in another part of the universe. Factors such as this can only lead to the conclusion that the quantum world is indeed very different from the classical world of every day experience and that it is best to accept this phenomenon as a fact and instead of trying to explain quantum theory in terms of our every-day experience that we look for explanations elsewhere.
There are two a-symmetries which manifest themselves in quantum theory both of which are well known but which merit further comment. The first a-symmetry was clearly described by Penrose in 1989 and it is well worth repeating here.

To read the whole investigation, please download this file.
This is all my own work and I would appreciate it if you ​​did not copy it. Thank you.

The Quantum of Probability.pdf
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